Monday, November 18, 2019

5 Things You Need To Know About PUBG On Mobile

What do you need to know about PUBG on mobile to dominate the game?

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds PUBG), the hit game on PC (and Xbox One) that popularized the battle royale genre, has made its way to Android and iOS devices. For a game as complex as this one, it’s a surprise that it runs as well as it does on your phone.
However, the difference in platform comes with changes to the gameplay as well. We’ve compiled a list of things you need to know about PUBG on mobile so that you can keep feasting on that chicken dinner.

1. Customise your controls

By default, you move with a virtual control stick on the left, while using your right thumb to control your aim. 
You fire, aim down sights, crouch, go prone and access your backpack with virtual buttons on the right side of the screen.
However, you can customize the layout of the virtual buttons by sliding them around and changing their size and transparency. 
You can even save multiple layout presets. 
Find the button layout you’re most comfortable with so that you can bring your best game to the table.

2. Take advantage of Map

In the mobile version, instead of simply placing markers on the map, 
you also have a dotted line directing you straight to your marker from your current location, as well as the distance you are from it. 
By observing your marker line while you’re still in the plane, 
you’ll find out when is the best time to jump to get to your desired location.
Furthermore, you’ll want to pay special attention to the minimap in the top right of the screen during regular play 
because it can track gun fire and approaching vehicles. With this, you are constantly alerted on upcoming dangers 
which will help you stay safe while you flush out your enemies.

Go to School to skip straight to the action

3. Keep moving, keep alert

When you hold down your left thumb as you move your character around, a running icon will pop up. 
Slide your thumb over the running icon and your character will be locked into sprinting mode without you having to continue holding down the button.
While you have auto sprinting on, you can grab and hold the camera/eye icon below your map 
and drag it around to free look without changing the direction you’re running towards. 
This is a good tip to help check your horizons for opposing players while making yourself a hard target to hit.

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4. Looting gets more efficient

By default, you automatically pick up weapons and items in the mobile version of the game. 
When you find compatible gun attachments, it snaps those to your weapons cache for you. 
It’s a really helpful feature that eliminates hassle, especially early on in a game when you’re scrambling for supplies.
However, make sure to keep moving when you’re picking things up or managing your backpack as staying put can get you shot!

No more standing in place to get new equipment

5. It’s not all about that chicken dinner

At the end of a game, PUBG Mobile gives you a more comprehensive stat breakdown than the PC version,including the number of kills you gained, damage dealt, survival time, health restored and revives. So even if you didn’t get that chicken dinner, don’t worry. You can still feel proud of that SSS-ranking.

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